Press Release

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Hubbell Incorporated to Announce Second Quarter 2008 Results on July 25, 2008

ORANGE, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 18, 2008--Hubbell Incorporated (NYSE: HUBA, HUBB) will web-cast its Analysts Conference Call on Friday, July 25, 2008, beginning at 10:00 AM EDT.

The conference call will review the Company's second quarter 2008 financial results which will have been released earlier that day.

The full text of the press release will be posted on Hubbell's corporate web site at To access the press release, click on "Investor Info" and then on "Financial Releases."

The live audio of the conference call will also be available at To access the web-cast click on "Investor Info" and then "Calendar of Events".

    Audio replays of the conference call are available in three ways:

    1) A telephone replay of the conference call will be available 2
    hours after the conclusion of the original conference call and
    will remain available until 08/01/08 at 11:59 PM EDT. To access
    the replay call 719-457-0820. The replay passcode number is

    2) At under "Investor Info" and then click on
    "Audio Archives", and

    3) As a Podcast at under "Investor Info" and then
    click on "Audio Archives".

Hubbell Incorporated is an international manufacturer of quality electrical and electronic products for a broad range of non-residential and residential construction, industrial and utility applications. With 2007 revenues of $2.5 billion, Hubbell Incorporated operates manufacturing facilities in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Italy, Switzerland, Brazil, Australia and the United Kingdom, participates in joint ventures in Taiwan and the People's Republic of China, and maintains sales offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, the People's Republic of China, Mexico, and the Middle East. The corporate headquarters is located in Orange, CT.

    CONTACT: Hubbell Incorporated
             David G. Nord, 203-799-4100

    SOURCE: Hubbell Incorporated